Dormant in the corner of your eyes


Digital painting upon pencil illustration I made for my conceptual music/illustrated digibook THE UNDERLIVING 

This illustration is precisely the one that was made for the main theme "The Underliving" 

As I also suffer from sleep paralysis and quite a wild in between awareness and sleep odd alter-life :) I wonder if any of you have stumbled upon with the "shadow people" :) in your sp experiences. Somehow I've conveyed my experiences and ventured my own fantasy theory  creating The Underliving world but I'd be curious and happy to listen to your own experiences.


Dormant in the corner of your eyes

always there always hidden to your sight



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Image Use terms: All the artworks created by  Priscilla Hernandez, either digital image or hardcopy are copyrighted. You may not take, use, copy or distribute any image without permission. Commercial use is prohibited and you cannot manufacture your own products for sale in any form without permission so companies interested in licensing please use the contact  form.  Non commercial, non profit limited use  in personal websites is allowed if picture is  not altered in any form and is linked back here and keep full copyright acknowledgement. Most of the pictures have "like" buttons enable for facebook networking.We encourage everyone to report to us copyright infringement of our images  and I'm really grateful for that :) I reserve the right as creator to change this policy at my personal discretion at any time.