Ahora que te has ido

"Now that you're gone" instrumental and the song "Lament" has been inspired by a feeling of great loss.



Triste es la vida
si hay una herida
que el tiempo no puede sanar
Ahora que te has ido juraría que mis días
mueren antes de empezar
El sol ya marchito languidece
apenas brilla ya la mitad
Y no tengo miedo
de rasgar el fino velo
entre lo efímero y lo eterno
entre los vivos y los muertos
porque me dolería más no recordarte
que echarte de menos
Mi alma se ha roto
dudo que pueda sentir
con tan solo medio corazón

Lyrics translation: 

Life is sad
when there is a wound
that time cannot heal
Now that you are gone I would swear that my days
die before beginning
The withered sun is extinguished
it hardly shines half of what it used to
But I'm not afraid
of tearing the fine veil
between the ephemeral and the eternal
between the alive and dead
because It would hurt me more
not remembering you
that missing you
My soul is broken
I doubt it can feel
with only half of heart